If you are looking for “another way” to have safe, effective birth control you can trust. You’re about to discover how to make that happen.
Whether you are trying to avoid pregnancy – or get pregnant – you have probably run into a few road blocks along the way. Do any of these sound familiar?
- Hormonal birth control, like the pill, makes you feel crazy and you have a sneaking suspicion it’s to blame in more than a few of your health complaints.
- You can’t stand using condoms much longer. In fact, you are already a lot less *ahem* diligent *ahem* in your use of them.
- You are having hormonal health issues and all your doctor is offering you is the pill. But wasn’t the reason you came OFF the pill to get these issues fixed?
- You feel out of control in your birth control and hormonal health options and choices and want real information that will help you decide what’s best for you.
Instead of dealing with any of these problems, wouldn’t it be nice to be 100% in charge of your own fertility and your own body by knowing exactly when each cycle you could actually get pregnant?
You can do this by using a simple system I’ll tell you more about in a minute.
It’s scientifically proven, all natural (ZERO messing with your body), and as effective as the pill. And you only need two things: Instruction in how to do it and a thermometer.
I know this sounds too good to be true, but just trust me for a minute and keep reading, ok? I want to tell you more about it and let you decide if it’s the perfect solution for you.
Can I give you the details about a completely safe, 99.6% effective birth control method (that’s easy to use and has absolutely no side effects)?
As a certified fertility awareness educator, I help women like you learn how to chart and interpret simple fertility signs so that they can tell exactly when in their cycle they are fertile for an effective birth control method (or to help them get pregnant, if that’s what they want), so they can see what is going on with their hormones on a daily basis and use that information to fix hormonal imbalances, and to understand and appreciate what their bodies are doing.
As someone who never wanted to use hormonal birth control, I researched all non-hormonal options like a mad-woman. Eventually, I came upon something called fertility awareness, which was based on figuring out when exactly you are fertile using fertility signs (with some sound science behind them) and just avoiding unprotected intercourse during that time.
Eventually I decided that I wanted to use the method myself, but I had a big stumbling block: I discovered that there were almost no trained teachers teaching how it works and how to do it right. Not only that, but most doctors weren’t even listing it as a birth control option, much less were they able to speak on it intelligently.
I read a big fat book on the method and played it safe, but as I learned more I knew that I wanted to provide the information that I couldn’t get to other women. I loved it so much and thought it was so important that I decided I wanted to become a certified fertility awareness educator and offer classes virtually so that anyone in the world could learn the method and learn how to do it the right way.

Hannah really knows her stuff plus has a ton of related background information like nutrition. I loved that I never felt judgment from her. She was always supportive without being overbearing or judgmental. – Cassie Moriarty, New York, NY
After an intensive two year teacher training program, countless hours of additional studying, and teaching and working one on one with clients I developed the HER fertility program. I’d love to walk you through how this method and my program works…
There is actually a method of birth control that’s both natural and effective. It’s called the sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness (you may have heard of it called just fertility awareness method or natural family planning before. And just FYI, this is so NOT the rhythm method. That shiz ain’t effective) and it’s:
A birth control method that’s 99.6% effective according to the Guttmacher Institute.
An excellent way to decipher what’s going on with your hormones so you can fix the problems with ease.
The ability to know exactly when you are fertile so that if you do want a baby in the future you already have the knowledge you need.
All of this means to you that you gain a profound knowledge and trust of your body, the ability to feel confident that you aren’t pregnant every cycle, and no nasty side effects from other birth control methods.
Sound good? Let’s talk about how the sympto-thermal method actually works.

How the method works
This method is based on sound but simple scientific principles found from years of research on the female menstrual cycle.
In a nutshell, here’s what we know:
- You only ovulate once in a cycle (that’s from one period to the next).
- You are only capable of getting pregnant for a small portion of each cycle (just around ovulation).
- Your egg can only live for 12-24 hours after you ovulate.
- Your window of fertility is lengthened by something called cervical fluid (something you can see, feel, smell, and even taste -if you were so inclined- in the comfort of your own home), which help sperm stay alive until you actually ovulate.
- Your temperature jumps up a noticeable amount after you ovulate.
With all of this info, methods of birth control (that actually fucking work!) were developed that relied on checking fertility signs that change daily based on what’s going on with your hormones, writing down what you are seeing (just so you don’t forget), and applying a set of rules to them so that you actually know when you are potentially fertile and during that time can use barriers, abstain from sex altogether, or use alternate sex that doesn’t end with the possibility of getting pregnant.
So, to recap:
- Safe
- Effective
- Simple
With simple rules and an understanding on how to interpret and chart your fertility signs you get a natural, effective, method.
To demonstrate better how the method and your fertile phase works, here are some charts with the infertile phases highlighted based on the simple rules (and just FYI, don’t use these as birth control without a full understanding of how to apply them, I just want to show you how easy it is).
Speaking of which, I know effectiveness of birth control can be confusing, so let me break it down for you. 99.6% effective means that if you use the method perfectly (and you can, don’t worry), for every 100 women who use the method for one year, only .4% will get pregnant. So that’s slightly less than 1 women per 200 women using it for a year. Just like all birth control methods, it’s not 100%, but it’s damn near close.

Let me tell you about the program I created to ensure you will learn the method with ease and confidence:
What we’ll cover in this 6 month course (complete with one on one support)
HER Fertility is a 6 month course designed to take you from an uncertain sympto-thermal method of fertility awareness user to a confident expert on your own fertility signals.
Whether you’ve tried the sympto-thermal or other fertility awareness methods in the past and found it difficult…never tried it but always wanted to learn more…or you’re just someone who wants to transition to another birth-control method—HER fertility can guide you through every step of the way.
This course contains 18 videos lessons and over the course of 8-weeks you’ll find everything you need to get started using fertility awareness confidently.
Week 1-2: Introduction to the sympto-thermal method
- How charting can help prevent a misdiagnosis from your doctor.
- Improve your sex life. The real reason why your sexuality changes
- Ease your way into STM. Why checking your cervical fluid and temperature is easier than you think….
- The surprising truth about any birth control method. Here’s why you have more choices than you think.
- Stop the confusion about cervical fluid! One of the most popular books tells you to check cervical fluid at the wrong time and it’s the reason why many women end up confused and frustrated. Here’s exactly when you should check it instead…
- Checking cervical fluid here makes things easy. The exact place (shown on diagram) where you should check your cervical fluid.
- Don’t try to regulate your cycle. The 28-day cycle is the standard in popular literature, but it’s completely wrong and the reason why many fertility awareness methods don’t work.
Week 3-4 – How to chart and examine your 3 fertility signs
- How to identify your “point of change” with cervical fluid. Once you know exactly what to look for, identifying your pregnancy window becomes easy. I’ll show you actual real pictures and progressions so you won’t be confused anymore.
- Why basal body temperature is ALWAYS secondary to cervical fluid.
- Is there a best time to take basal body temperature? The answer may surprise you.
- Find your “coverline” easily. The 6 most important temperatures when you chart your cycles.
- What you should do when you have a randomly high temperature on one day.
- The only time of day when you should NOT check your cervical position. Doing this can remove a lot of confusion.
- The “cheek and chin” test to identify your fertile periods with your cervical position.
- The 2 things that can make your cervical position feel dramatically different. Here’s what you should look for in these cases instead…
Week 5-6 – Simple-to-remember rules and exactly what to look for in your charts
- Your cycle simplified. Everything is broken into 3 phases. Here’s exactly how to identify them and know when you’re “in the clear.”
- Are you infertile when this happens? Use the simple Doering Day Rule (named after a scientist) to find out.
- Why phase 2 is the single most important phase. Here’s the game plan you should follow during this time
- What should you do when one indicator says you’re fertile and the other says you are infertile?
- How to avoid the 3 most common reasons for unplanned pregnancies with STM. You can easily be in the 99% of effective users by following this.
- Remove the confusion about charts. A step-by-step walk through of 3 samples charts. Everything is more common than you think and can be applied to your charts.
- The single biggest mistake new users make when starting STM. This leads to more confusion and frustration than necessary.
Week 7-8 – Breastfeeding, coming off hormones, alternative menstrual products, and more!
- The 7 Standards of Ecological Breastfeeding. What to do if you want your post-partum infertility to last longer.
- When should you start charting again when breastfeeding? Use these 2 signs to find out when. How fast fertility can return may surprise you.
- How to come off hormonal contraceptives and start using fertility awareness as soon as possible.
- Stop the side effects fast. Coming off hormonal contraceptives can have many side effects but there are 6 things that are pretty simple to do so you can minimize them.
- How to get comfortable using fertility awareness. Should you start using contraceptives while using it or cut off use right away? The answer may surprise you…
- 8 reasons why you may experience anovulatory cycles…And what you can do about them.
- 5 surprising alternatives to traditional menstrual products.

These lessons spaced out over 8 weeks will cover everything you need to know about how to start using the method confidently, but The ultimate confidence booster and way to have success with this method is one on one support from a trained fertility awareness educator, which is why…
I’ll be there to answer all of your questions, every step of the way as you learn
The big reason people can’t take control of their birth control is because they don’t have the guidance they need to get their questions answered. That’s why with the HER fertility program, I make sure that you have access to personal and one on one help in fun and convenient ways:
- Two 30-minute personal consultation calls with me – Wondering what’s going on with your hormones and what you can do? Wondering how to interpret your cervical fluid? That’s what these are made for. If nothing else, you get reassurance that you are, in fact, “doing it right.” These are at month 3 and month 5 or 6.
- 6 months of personal email/text support – Have a quick question and want to make sure it gets to me ASAP? Feel free to shoot me an email or text and an answer will be on it’s way.
- A (private!) Facebook group for additional support – Maybe you just want to get some collective wisdom, or moral support. Whatever it is, this awesome group has you covered.
- Live office hours – Get your questions answered in real time. Show me pictures of your charts or cervical fluid, ask me burning questions, and get answers!
When you join HER fertility today, I’ll be with you every step of the way, and you’ll enjoy the benefits of being around other like-minded women who can help and lend support.

You’ll also get these 6 bonuses when you register for the HER fertility program
In addition to the 8 weeks of training and the three channels of personal support, you’ll also get six sweet bonuses to help you get the most out of the program.
- The HER Fertility eBook. This is a 47-page, downloadable PDF file so you can put it on any popular electronic reading device and enjoy it on your morning commute…at your local coffee shop…on your nightstand before bed…or anywhere else you like to read.
- How to reverse engineer the sympto-thermal method if you want to get pregnant. In 4 video modules I’ll walk you through the sympto-thermal method from the perspective of someone who wants to chart to find their fertile times to get pregnant and how to help balance your hormones holistically.
- Ready-to-print charts. Just click, print and start charting. These charts have the perfect layout to make notes in without scribbling in the margins.
- 19 different cheat sheets. These highlight the most important lessons and rules you need to remember. Just print these out after each module and post them anywhere to help remind you of the most important lessons.
- A recommended reading list with 26 different books. I read these to get started in my journey with fertility awareness. Perfect for diving more into learning about women’s health and your cycle.
- Access to all of the materials for the lifetime of the program. I know not everyone works at the same pace, or needs every bit of the information I have available at one time, so I want to make sure you have access for as long as you need.
With these bonuses, the personal support, and the core course material, you will have everything you need to learn the sympto-thermal method right.

Reasons you will love (love!) fertility awareness
You don’t need to have a regular cycle for it to work. Since the method is based on fertility signs and hormones, instead of counting days, you only are gauging your fertility based on what’s happening today, not what happened in the past.
Your partner will love it, too. Most partners want you to be healthy and happy and greatly appreciate having increased knowledge of your body (“oh, so THAT’S why you want to punch me out every month?”). It can also spice up your sex life if you decide to use alternate sex during your fertile time and try new things.
It’s simple and doesn’t take much time. In fact, once you get the necessary base knowledge down (that’s the stuff in this course), it takes a minute a day or less to check and record your fertility signs. Piece of cake.
No risk – you are 100% protected with a no-hassle, 30-day satisfaction guarantee
I am confident that you will love HER fertility, so if for any reason you don’t, you are protected with my 30 day guarantee. All you have to do is shoot me an email and I’ll refund every cent you paid.
I’m only happy if you 100% satisified.

I’ve been off of hormonal birth control a little over 7 months after using a variety of hormonal options (pill, Nuva Ring, Depo Shot, Nexplanon) for over 7 years. The effects weren’t immediate, but over time my moods began to feel foggy and once family began to have concerns about my potentially being depressed I knew I had to explore other options. I was terrified of going off hormonal birth control. It always gave me a false sense of security. While seeking alternatives I first heard about FAM when YouTube-ing videos about “Natural Birth Control Options”. My first purchases included the highly recommended book “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” and the Lady Comp. I was very impressed with the book but noticed that the Lady Comp readings didn’t always coincide with the temperature shift rule and I wasn’t completely comfortable allowing a computer to “predict” my pre-ovulatory infertile days.
My disenchantment with both hormonal birth control and the Lady Comp led me to seek out a more comprehensive instruction in FAM. I am so thankful that I found the Her Fertility Course for a multitude of reasons. First and foremost the instructor Hannah is very thorough in breaking down FAM rules, birth control options and tackling the differences in cervical fluid. Although I read the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility, her course helped piece together the full picture of FAM. I was skeptical at first. I didn’t personally know anyone who used FAM and thought it was something only married Catholic Women or “crunchy” Vegan/super health conscious women used. For those reasons I was too embarrassed to sign up for a course in person. I felt like I’d be the only Single African American Woman there. I also knew that my doctors would not be supportive. Anytime I went to a physician the Depo Shot, Implant or IUD was always HIGHLY recommended to the point of being obnoxious. I’m in the military so our doctors try to shove birth control down our throats, as if being around men automatically means your having TONs of sex (SMH). This course has allowed me to expand my knowledge of FAM and has change the course of my reproductive health right from the privacy of my own home. The Facebook group is also amazing and is for real women who want to ask real questions about our bodies without shame. I am now so comfortable with FAM that I do not need Lady Comp anymore just my $10 Basal thermometer and Charting App (and of course condoms on potentially fertile days lol). You will not be disappointed in this course. I assure you it is a wealth of knowledge that all women owe it to themselves to learn regardless or religion, race or lifestyle. I’m a 25 year old, African American, Single, Army Soldier and FAM has been amazing for me. – Janay Wilson

Here’s a quick recap of everything you’ll receive when you register today for the HER fertility program
- 18 core video lessons to introduce you to the method and teach you how to chart your cycles
- A 47 page guidebook that will teach you all about fertility awareness and how to use it
- Bonus video lessons to help you with issues that often come up when learning fertility awareness or working on your hormonal health
- Entrance to the HER fertility private facebook group with other like-minded women
- 19 “cheat sheets” jam packed with resources and reminders
- Email and text support with Hannah for when you have a quick question you need answered soon
- 2 half hour long private one on one consultations with Hannah to get your questions answered and make sure you’re on the right track.
- Cervical fluid gallery. Never wonder what kind of cervical fluid you have again.
Once you get through the program, you’ll be a confident fertility awareness user and you can practice it for the rest of your life.
As soon as you join you’ll have access to the course materials for only $569 (or $99/month if you’d prefer 6 monthly payments). I’ll guide you step-by-step through learning this method and you will have unlimited access for the life of the program.
Register for the program today and learn exactly what you need to know for safe, all-natural, 99.6% effective birth control
When you join now, you get access to everything included in HER fertility for the lifetime of the program and any future updates and additions.
I’m so glad you’ve decided to take your fertility into your own hands and learn how to chart your cycles for natural birth control. Just click the button above to register, and you’ll be taken to a page where you can create an account and pay securely, after which you will have instant access to the HER fertility program.
Though you won’t see it in the headlines, natural birth control is not only completely safe, it is also remarkably effective at helping couples either avoid or achieve pregnancy when they choose. – Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD